CAS Exam 7 Study Notes: Risk Margins, Stochastic Reserve Models, and Enterprise Risk Management
I've uploaded the last three of my Exam 7 Study Note files, covering the following topics:
- Assessment of Risk Margins, based on a paper by Karl Marshall, Scott Collings, Matt Hodson, and Conor O'Dowd.
- Stochastic Loss Reserving, based on three readings: Obtaining Predictive Distributions for Reserves Which Incorporate Expert Opinion by R.J. Verrall, Using the ODP Bootstrap Model: A Practitioner's Guide by M. Shapland, and Stochastic Loss Reserving Using Bayesian MCMC Models by G. Meyers.
- Enterprise Risk Management, based on a reading by Brehm, Gluck, Kreps, Major, Mango, Shaw, Venter, White, and Witcraft.
Keywords: Actuarial Science, Exam 7, Study Note