These study notes are based on the Exam 7 Syllabus reading A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins by Karl Marshall, Scott Collings, Matt Hodson, and Conor O’Dowd. The paper proposes a framework for assessing risk margins that incorporates both qualitative and quantitative considerations.
easypackages::packages("data.table", "DT", "ggplot2")
## Loading required package: data.table
## Loading required package: DT
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## All packages loaded successfully
This is referred to as a bolt-on approach in that the analysis is conducted separately from the determination of the central estimate.
While indpendent risks can be assessed quantitatively, qualitative approaches are required to assess systemic risks.
Although the decisions in this process are mostly subjective, quantitative techniques may inform some of these decisions.
Consideration of these risks is often considered as part of the central estimate valuation, so it is recommended that the analysis of external systemic risk be done in conjunction with this process. This will ensure that both processes have a consistent and complete view of external systemic risk. Risks should be ranked within each valuation class so that more effort can be spent on quantifying the most material risks.
The independence assumptions reduce the required size of the correlation matrix considerably.
Given the information about relative weightings \(w_X\) of each valuation class, coefficients of variation \(c_X\) for each, and correlation coefficients \(\rho_{X,Y}\), the results can be aggregated into a single coefficient of variation by assuming a linear correlation structure. This approach is considered reasonable up to probabilities of adequacy of 90%. In that case, aggregations can be calculated using the equation \[ \mathrm{Var}(X+Y) = \mathrm{Var}(X) + 2 \mathrm{Cov}(X,Y) + \mathrm{Var}(Y) \] relating variance to coefficients of variation via \[ \mathrm{Var}(X) = w_X^2 c_X^2 \] and covariance to correlation coefficients via \[ \mathrm{Cov}(X,Y) = \rho_{X,Y} w_Xw_Yc_Xc_Y \] As an example, Marshall et al aggregate the following independent risk CoVs:
independent.risk = data.table(valuation_class = c("Motor", "Motor", "Home", "Home", "CTP", "CTP"), liability_type = c("Claims", "Premium", "Claims", "Premium", "Claims", "Premium"))
independent.risk$weight = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.05, 0.25, 0.3, 0.1)
independent.risk$CoV = c(0.07, 0.05, 0.06, 0.05, 0.06, 0.15)
independent.variance = independent.risk[, sum(weight^2 * CoV^2)] = sqrt(independent.variance) = / independent.risk[, sum(weight)]
print(paste0("The independent CoV is ",
## [1] "The independent CoV is 0.0297111090334912"
To illustrate internal systemic risk, assume a correlation of 75% between the claims and premium liabilities for the Motor valuation class. The assumptions in this case are:
w_X = 0.05
w_Y = 0.25
c_X = 0.055
c_Y = 0.05
rho_XY = 0.75
motor.internal.variance = w_X^2 * c_X^2 + w_Y^2 * c_Y^2 + 2 * rho_XY * w_X * c_X * w_Y * c_Y
motor.internal.CV = sqrt(motor.internal.variance) / (w_X + w_Y)
print(paste0("The CoV for Internal Risk for the Motor valuation class is ", motor.internal.CV))
## [1] "The CoV for Internal Risk for the Motor valuation class is 0.0489188670714639"
Once the results have been aggregated to the firm level, the CoV can be converted to a risk margin by specifying a probaility of adequacy and a distributional assumption. A typical example is the 75th percentile of the normal distribution:
print(paste0("For a CoV of ", 0.087, " the corresponding risk margin is ", 0.087*qnorm(0.75)))
## [1] "For a CoV of 0.087 the corresponding risk margin is 0.0586806082670591"
The LogNormal distribution can also be used to determine risk margins. This produces a situation in which risk margins reduce significantly as a percentage of CoV as the CoV increases, while the Normal risk margins are a constant percentage of CoV. Generally, lognomral is used for high probabilities of adequacy, while the normal is used for lower.