Craig A. Sloss


Picture of a notebook

CAS Annual Meeting, 2017


At this year's Annual Meeting of the Casualty Actuarial Society, Jeffrey Baer and I will be presenting Operations Research and Actuarial Science: Blending the Disciplines. We'll describe two case studies in which we used the results of an actuarial analysis as the inputs to an operations research model. Our objective is to provide actuaries with a general introduction to mathematical optimization models and equip them to identify opportunities within their own organizations that are similar to our case studies. Here's the full abstract:

Operations research develops optimal business processes within an organization. Actuarial science applies statistical concepts to quantify financial and insurance risk. How are these two mathematical disciplines related?

In this session, we will explore the connections between these fields within a P&C insurance context. Through a series of interactive case studies, we will explain how integrating actuarial science and predictive analytics into operations research problems can improve top-line growth, risk management, and the customer experience of an insurance company.

Keywords: Actuarial Science

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