
These study notes are based on the Exam 9 syllabus readings Investments by Bodie, Kane, and Marcus, and The Economics of Structured Finance by Joshua Coval, Jakub Jurek, and Erik Stafford. This reading explains how collateralized debt obligations are structured, and how they contributed to the 2008 financial crisis. This paper corresponds to learning objectives C1 to C4 on the syllabus.

easypackages::packages("dplyr", "ggplot2", "copula")

Credit Risk

Default risk, or credit risk, is the risk that a bond issuer may not be able to pay the full promised interest or principal on a bond.

The rating agencies use various characteristics to assess bond safety:

One approach to assessing default risk is to produce a Z-score, which is a linear combination of various safety measures. If the score is below a given threshold, then it is vulnerable to bankruptcy; there is also a “grey area” above this threshold, followed by a score above which the bond is considered safe.

The bond indenture may contain additional restrictions to improve the safety of the bond. Examples include:

Impact on Bond Prices

Default risk requires that we make a distinction between the promised yield to maturity, which is the maximum possible yield, and the expected yield to maturity, which incorporates the risk of default. Typically this involves re-calculating the yield after changing the expected coupon and principal payments to their expected values. To do this, re-use the yield-to-maturity function produced in an earlier notebook: = function(price, coupon, maturity, par.value, semiannual = TRUE) {
  number.of.payments = ifelse(semiannual, maturity * 2, maturity)
  cash.flow = c(-price, rep(coupon, number.of.payments - 1), coupon + par.value)
  roots = polyroot(cash.flow)
  discount.factor = Re(roots[round(Im(roots), 8) == 0])
  interest.rate = ifelse(semiannual, 2 * (1 / discount.factor - 1), 1 / discount.factor - 1)

Suppose that a $1000 par-value bond with 10 years remaining pays 9% coupons semi-annually. The current price of this bond is $750. Then the promised yield-to-maturity is

promised.yield.example = = 750, coupon = 45, maturity = 10, par.value = 1000, semiannual = TRUE)
print(paste0("The promised yield to maturity is ", promised.yield.example))
## [1] "The promised yield to maturity is 0.136569038555435"

However, if investors only expect to receive $700 at maturity, then the expected yield is as follows:

expected.yield.example = = 750, coupon = 45, maturity = 10, par.value = 700, semiannual = TRUE)
print(paste0("The promised yield to maturity is ", expected.yield.example))
## [1] "The promised yield to maturity is 0.116302753396654"

In order to be compensated for the risk of default, investors require a default premium, which can be calculated as the difference between the promised yield on a coporate bond and the yield of an otherwise-equivalent risk-free bond. In general, the lower a bond’s rating, the higher this premium will be. Suppose that a 10-year government bond with 9% coupons paid semiannually has a par value of $1000 and is currently selling for $1100. We can calculate the default premium as follows: = = 1100, coupon = 45, maturity = 10, par.value = 1000, semiannual = TRUE)
print(paste0("The risk-free yield for a comparable bond is ",, " and the default premium is ", promised.yield.example -
## [1] "The risk-free yield for a comparable bond is 0.075570789006481 and the default premium is 0.0609982495489541"

Credit Default Swaps

A credit default swap (CDS) is an insurance policy on the default risk of a bond or loan. The purchaser of a CDS pays a percentage of the principal to the seller; in exchange, if the underlying bond defaults, the seller must compensate the buyer for the loss of bond value. This raises the effective quality of the debt, and a fair price for a CDS can be set by taking the difference in yield between the lower and higher bond rating.

Mortgage Securitization

A mortgage pass-through is a security in which a government agency purchases mortgages from lending institutions, pools them, and sells shares in the pool to investors. The cash flows from the original borrowers pass through the institution to the agency to the investors.

  • Because the homeowner has the right to prepay the loan at any time, this is effectively callable, where the call price is the remaining principal balance on the loan.

  • Mortgage-backed securities will exhibit the same region of negative convexity as callable bonds: when interest rates are low, borrowers will be more likely to pre-pay their mortgages, and investors lose out on capital gains.

  • The analogy to callable bonds isn’t exact because homeowners do not refinance loans as soon as interest rates drop due to a variety of behaviours (hassle / cost of refinancing; may be moving soon; may lack sophistication). As a result, the principal balance is only a theoretical call price, not a firm upper limit on the value.

A collateralized mortgage obligation redirects the cash flow from a mortgage-backed security to various investors based on their appetite for interest rate risk. The mortgage pool is separated into tranches based on a proportion of the total principal. For example:

  • The “Short-pay” tranche is allocated the first $X of principal to be repaid.

  • The “Intermediate-pay” tranche is allocated the next $Y of principal to be repaid. Only interest payments are received until the short-pay tranche is retired.

  • The “Long-pay” tranche is allocated the remaining principal. Only receives interest payments until the two earlier tranches are retired.

Each tranche receives the principal payments on its share of the principal as they are made, as well as any interest payments on its share of the outstanding principal. This includes any principal payments made as prepayments. This can accelerate the retirement of the earlier tranches.

In the early 2000’s, mortgage securitization resulted in significant growth in the issuance of subprime mortgages, from $96.8 billion in 1996 to $600 billion in 2006.

  • “Private label” securitization allowed for the issuance of mortgages that would not normally be purchased by government agencies.

  • Demand for assets to construct CDOs fueled growth of this market.

  • Default risk is correlated with interest rate risk, because if default rates increase significantly when the market value of the home is less than the value of the mortgage.

Active Bond Portfolio Managment Swaps

In contrast to passive bond porfolio management, which aims to immunize the portfolio against interest rate risk, active bond portfolio management aims to achieve abnormal returns either through interest rate forecasting or identification of mispriced bonds. The time period between the identification of a mispriced bond and the realignment of the prices is called the workout period, and it is during this time that abnormal returns are anticipated. These strategies are described as “swaps” in which one bond is swapped out of the portfolio for another – note that these are not “swaps” in the sence of interest rate or currency swaps.

  1. A substitution swap exchanges one bond for a nearly identical substitute, in terms of coupon, maturity, quality, contract provisions, etc. This is typically employed when one of the bonds is priced less than the other.

  2. An intermarket spread swap is used when the yield spread between two sectors of the bond market (e.g. government and corporate) is temporarily out of line. The risk associated with this strategy is that there may be an underlying reason why the yield spread is different than it has been historically.

  3. A rate anticipation swap involves swapping into longer duration bonds if rates are expected to fall, and shorter duration bonds if rates are expected to rise.

  4. A pure yield pickup swap involves holding higher-yield bonds without an identification of mispricing. For example, if the yield curve is sloping upward, this would involve moving into longer-term bonds and taking on more interest rate risk.

  5. A tax swap involves swapping bonds to exploit a tax advantage, for example, swapping from a bond that has decreased in price to another in order to realize the capital loss for tax purposes.

Collateralized Debt Obligations


A Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO) is a structured finance instrument, created as follows:

  1. A large collection of credit-sensitive assets is pooled.

  2. Claims on the cash flow from the underlying asset pool are prioritized into tranches, typically referred to as Junior, Mezzanine, and Senior tranches. Each tranche has attachment points, expressed as percentages of the underlying asset pool, and it is responsible for covering losses in that range. For example, if a tranche has attachment points X% to Y%, it will begin to absorb losses from the underlying asset pool once they reach X%, and continue to do so until the losses reach Y%.

  3. Due to the higher default risk in the junior tranches, they have higher rates of return than the senior tranches. The protection offered to the senior tranches by the junior traches is referred to as overcollateralization.

Two-Asset CDO

The core ideas behind the construction of a CDO can be illustrated using the following example:

  • There are two underlying assets \(X\) and \(Y\), with probability of default \(p_X\) and \(p_Y\), respectively. The probability of both defaulting is denoted by \(p_{XY}\).

  • The correlation between default of the two assets is denoted by \(\rho\).

  • Each underlying asset pays $0 in the case of default, and $1 otherwise.

  • There are two tranches in the CDO. The junior tranche absorbs up to $1 in losses (in other words, its attachment point is 0% - 50%). The senior tranche has an attachment point of 50% to 100%.

Given a default probabilty \(\rho\), the probability of both underlying assets defaulting can be derived from \[ \rho = \frac{p_{XY} - p_Xp_Y}{\sqrt{(p_X(1 - p_X)p_Y(1-p_Y))}} \]

p.X = 0.10
p.Y = 0.20
rho = 0.2
p.XY = rho * sqrt(p.X * (1 - p.X) * p.Y * (1 - p.Y)) + p.X * p.Y

The algorithm for calculating expected outcomes of a two-asset CDO is:

  1. Determine the joint probability distribution of the two assets using the above formula, i.e. the probability of each possible combination of defaults.

  2. Calculate the total loss to the underlying asset pool in each scenario.

  3. Allocate the losses to each tranche.

  4. Calculate the expected loss in each tranche, or the probability of impairment in that tranche (probability that it has a non-zero loss).

In this case, the joint probability distribution is:

CDO.2.example = data.frame(loss_X = c(0, 0, 1, 1), loss_Y = c(0, 1, 0, 1), probability = c(1 - p.X - p.Y + p.XY, p.Y - p.XY, p.X - p.XY, p.XY))
##   loss_X loss_Y probability
## 1      0      0       0.744
## 2      0      1       0.156
## 3      1      0       0.056
## 4      1      1       0.044

Calculating the total loss and allocating it to tranches:

CDO.2.example = CDO.2.example %>% mutate(total_loss = loss_X + loss_Y, junior_tranche_loss = pmin(1, pmax(total_loss, 0)), senior_tranche_loss = pmin(1, pmax(total_loss - junior_tranche_loss, 0)))
##   loss_X loss_Y probability total_loss junior_tranche_loss
## 1      0      0       0.744          0                   0
## 2      0      1       0.156          1                   1
## 3      1      0       0.056          1                   1
## 4      1      1       0.044          2                   1
##   senior_tranche_loss
## 1                   0
## 2                   0
## 3                   0
## 4                   1

Calculate the expected loss and probability of impairment in each tranche:

junior.expected.loss = sum(CDO.2.example$junior_tranche_loss * CDO.2.example$probability)
junior.impairment.probability = sum((CDO.2.example$junior_tranche_loss > 0) * CDO.2.example$probability)
print(paste0("The expected loss in the junior tranche is ", junior.expected.loss, " and the probability of impairment is ", junior.impairment.probability))
## [1] "The expected loss in the junior tranche is 0.256 and the probability of impairment is 0.256"
senior.expected.loss = sum(CDO.2.example$senior_tranche_loss * CDO.2.example$probability)
senior.impairment.probability = sum((CDO.2.example$senior_tranche_loss > 0) * CDO.2.example$probability)
print(paste0("The expected loss in the senior tranche is ", senior.expected.loss, " and the probability of impairment is ", senior.impairment.probability))
## [1] "The expected loss in the senior tranche is 0.044 and the probability of impairment is 0.044"

Compare to an example in which the assets are uncorreltaed:

p.X = 0.10
p.Y = 0.10
rho = 0
p.XY = rho * sqrt(p.X * (1 - p.X) * p.Y * (1 - p.Y)) + p.X * p.Y
CDO.2.example = data.frame(loss_X = c(0, 0, 1, 1), loss_Y = c(0, 1, 0, 1), probability = c(1 - p.X - p.Y + p.XY, p.Y - p.XY, p.X - p.XY, p.XY))
CDO.2.example = CDO.2.example %>% mutate(total_loss = loss_X + loss_Y, junior_tranche_loss = pmin(1, pmax(total_loss, 0)), senior_tranche_loss = pmin(1, pmax(total_loss - junior_tranche_loss, 0)))
##   loss_X loss_Y probability total_loss junior_tranche_loss
## 1      0      0        0.81          0                   0
## 2      0      1        0.09          1                   1
## 3      1      0        0.09          1                   1
## 4      1      1        0.01          2                   1
##   senior_tranche_loss
## 1                   0
## 2                   0
## 3                   0
## 4                   1
junior.expected.loss = sum(CDO.2.example$junior_tranche_loss * CDO.2.example$probability)
junior.impairment.probability = sum((CDO.2.example$junior_tranche_loss > 0) * CDO.2.example$probability)
print(paste0("The expected loss in the junior tranche is ", junior.expected.loss, " and the probability of impairment is ", junior.impairment.probability))
## [1] "The expected loss in the junior tranche is 0.19 and the probability of impairment is 0.19"
senior.expected.loss = sum(CDO.2.example$senior_tranche_loss * CDO.2.example$probability)
senior.impairment.probability = sum((CDO.2.example$senior_tranche_loss > 0) * CDO.2.example$probability)
print(paste0("The expected loss in the senior tranche is ", senior.expected.loss, " and the probability of impairment is ", senior.impairment.probability))
## [1] "The expected loss in the senior tranche is 0.01 and the probability of impairment is 0.01"

Note that in the presence of correlation, the performance of the senior tranche deteriorates considerably.

Two-Asset CDO-squared

A CDO squared (CDO^2) is a collateralized debt obligation that is formed from the tranches of other CDOs. We can continue the above example by forming a CDO-squared from the junior tranches of two identical versions of the above CDO, assuming no correlation between the underlying asset pools:

p.X = junior.impairment.probability
p.Y = junior.impairment.probability
rho = 0
p.XY = rho * sqrt(p.X * (1 - p.X) * p.Y * (1 - p.Y)) + p.X * p.Y
CDO.squared.example = data.frame(loss_X = c(0, 0, 1, 1), loss_Y = c(0, 1, 0, 1), probability = c(1 - p.X - p.Y + p.XY, p.Y - p.XY, p.X - p.XY, p.XY))
CDO.squared.example = CDO.squared.example %>% mutate(total_loss = loss_X + loss_Y, junior_tranche_loss = pmin(1, pmax(total_loss, 0)), senior_tranche_loss = pmin(1, pmax(total_loss - junior_tranche_loss, 0)))
##   loss_X loss_Y probability total_loss junior_tranche_loss
## 1      0      0      0.6561          0                   0
## 2      0      1      0.1539          1                   1
## 3      1      0      0.1539          1                   1
## 4      1      1      0.0361          2                   1
##   senior_tranche_loss
## 1                   0
## 2                   0
## 3                   0
## 4                   1
junior.expected.loss = sum(CDO.squared.example$junior_tranche_loss * CDO.squared.example$probability)
junior.impairment.probability = sum((CDO.squared.example$junior_tranche_loss > 0) * CDO.squared.example$probability)
print(paste0("The expected loss in the junior tranche is ", junior.expected.loss, " and the probability of impairment is ", junior.impairment.probability))
## [1] "The expected loss in the junior tranche is 0.3439 and the probability of impairment is 0.3439"
senior.expected.loss = sum(CDO.squared.example$senior_tranche_loss * CDO.squared.example$probability)
senior.impairment.probability = sum((CDO.squared.example$senior_tranche_loss > 0) * CDO.squared.example$probability)
print(paste0("The expected loss in the senior tranche is ", senior.expected.loss, " and the probability of impairment is ", senior.impairment.probability))
## [1] "The expected loss in the senior tranche is 0.0361 and the probability of impairment is 0.0361"

Three-Asset CDO with independent underlying assets

In this example, we consider a CDO built on an asset pool consisting of three independent assets, with three tranches: a junior tranche (0% - 33%), a mezzanine tranche (33% - 67%), and a senior tranche (67% - 100%).

p.X = 0.1
p.Y = 0.1
p.Z = 0.1
CDO.3.example = merge(merge(data.frame(loss_X = c(0,1)), data.frame(loss_Y = c(0,1))), data.frame(loss_Z = c(0,1)))
CDO.3.example = CDO.3.example %>% mutate(probability = p.X^loss_X * (1 - p.X)^(1 - loss_X) * p.Y ^loss_Y * (1 - p.Y)^(1 - loss_Y) * p.Z^loss_Z * (1 - p.Z)^(1 - loss_Z), total_loss = loss_X + loss_Y + loss_Z, junior_tranche_loss = pmin(1, pmax(total_loss, 0)), mezzanine_tranche_loss = pmin(1, pmax(total_loss - junior_tranche_loss, 0)), senior_tranche_loss = pmin(1, pmax(total_loss - mezzanine_tranche_loss - junior_tranche_loss, 0)))
##   loss_X loss_Y loss_Z probability total_loss junior_tranche_loss
## 1      0      0      0       0.729          0                   0
## 2      1      0      0       0.081          1                   1
## 3      0      1      0       0.081          1                   1
## 4      1      1      0       0.009          2                   1
## 5      0      0      1       0.081          1                   1
## 6      1      0      1       0.009          2                   1
## 7      0      1      1       0.009          2                   1
## 8      1      1      1       0.001          3                   1
##   mezzanine_tranche_loss senior_tranche_loss
## 1                      0                   0
## 2                      0                   0
## 3                      0                   0
## 4                      1                   0
## 5                      0                   0
## 6                      1                   0
## 7                      1                   0
## 8                      1                   1
junior.expected.loss = sum(CDO.3.example$junior_tranche_loss * CDO.3.example$probability)
junior.impairment.probability = sum((CDO.3.example$junior_tranche_loss > 0) * CDO.3.example$probability)
print(paste0("The expected loss in the junior tranche is ", junior.expected.loss, " and the probability of impairment is ", junior.impairment.probability))
## [1] "The expected loss in the junior tranche is 0.271 and the probability of impairment is 0.271"
mezz.expected.loss = sum(CDO.3.example$mezzanine_tranche_loss * CDO.3.example$probability)
mezz.impairment.probability = sum((CDO.3.example$mezzanine_tranche_loss > 0) * CDO.3.example$probability)
print(paste0("The expected loss in the mezzanine tranche is ", mezz.expected.loss, " and the probability of impairment is ", mezz.impairment.probability))
## [1] "The expected loss in the mezzanine tranche is 0.028 and the probability of impairment is 0.028"
senior.expected.loss = sum(CDO.3.example$senior_tranche_loss * CDO.3.example$probability)
senior.impairment.probability = sum((CDO.3.example$senior_tranche_loss > 0) * CDO.3.example$probability)
print(paste0("The expected loss in the senior tranche is ", senior.expected.loss, " and the probability of impairment is ", senior.impairment.probability))
## [1] "The expected loss in the senior tranche is 0.001 and the probability of impairment is 0.001"

Simulation of CDO outcomes

The parameter risk associated with CDOs can be assessed by simulating the outcome of a CDO and a CDO squared, then quantifying the change in default rate as the underlying assumptions about the default rate and correlation change.

Baseline scenario

First, simulate the outcome of 100 of the underlying assets with a given default probability and pairwise correlation coefficient. (The default settings for the normalCopula function assume constant pairwise correlation.)

simulate.underlying = function(default.probability, pairwise.correlation, number.of.assets, default.recovery) {
  random.result = rCopula(1, normalCopula(pairwise.correlation, dim = number.of.assets))[1,]
  default = random.result <= default.probability
  loss = (1 - default.recovery) * default
simulate.underlying(default.probability = 0.05, pairwise.correlation = 0.2, number.of.assets = 100, default.recovery = 0.5)
## [1] 1
simulate.cdo = function(default.probability, pairwise.correlation, number.of.assets, default.recovery, mezzanine.attachment, senior.attachment) {
  loss = simulate.underlying(default.probability, pairwise.correlation, number.of.assets, default.recovery)
  junior.loss = min(mezzanine.attachment, loss / number.of.assets) / mezzanine.attachment
  mezzanine.loss = min(senior.attachment - mezzanine.attachment, max(0, loss / number.of.assets - mezzanine.attachment)) / (senior.attachment - mezzanine.attachment)
  senior.loss = max(0, loss / number.of.assets - senior.attachment) / (1 - senior.attachment)
  return(list('collateral_loss' = loss / number.of.assets, 'junior_loss' = junior.loss, 'mezzanine_loss' = mezzanine.loss, 'senior_loss' = senior.loss))
simulate.cdo(default.probability = 0.05, pairwise.correlation = 0.2, number.of.assets = 100, default.recovery = 0.5, mezzanine.attachment = 0.06, senior.attachment = 0.12)
## $collateral_loss
## [1] 0.03
## $junior_loss
## [1] 0.5
## $mezzanine_loss
## [1] 0
## $senior_loss
## [1] 0

This function iterates the simulation over a large number of CDOs:

iterate.cdo.simulation.df = function(default.probability, pairwise.correlation, number.of.assets, default.recovery, mezzanine.attachment, senior.attachment, number.of.iterations) {
  result = data.frame(simulation.number = 1:number.of.iterations)
  result$collateral_loss = rep(NA, number.of.iterations)
  result$junior_loss = rep(NA, number.of.iterations)
  result$mezzanine_loss = rep(NA, number.of.iterations)
  result$senior_loss = rep(NA, number.of.iterations)
  for(i in 1:number.of.iterations) {
    simulation.result = simulate.cdo(default.probability, pairwise.correlation, number.of.assets, default.recovery, mezzanine.attachment, senior.attachment)
    result$collateral_loss[i] = simulation.result$collateral_loss
    result$junior_loss[i] = simulation.result$junior_loss
    result$mezzanine_loss[i] = simulation.result$mezzanine_loss
    result$senior_loss[i] = simulation.result$senior_loss
CDO.simulation.iteration = iterate.cdo.simulation.df(default.probability = 0.05, pairwise.correlation = 0.2, number.of.assets = 100, default.recovery = 0.5, mezzanine.attachment = 0.06, senior.attachment = 0.12, number.of.iterations = 1000)
head(CDO.simulation.iteration %>% arrange(-collateral_loss))
##   simulation.number collateral_loss junior_loss mezzanine_loss senior_loss
## 1               911           0.185           1              1  0.07386364
## 2               358           0.165           1              1  0.05113636
## 3               775           0.160           1              1  0.04545455
## 4               210           0.145           1              1  0.02840909
## 5               662           0.140           1              1  0.02272727
## 6               879           0.140           1              1  0.02272727

Wrap the above simulation in a function to calculate and return the expected loss and impairment probability for each tranche:

iterate.cdo.simulation.summary = function(default.probability, pairwise.correlation, number.of.assets, default.recovery, mezzanine.attachment, senior.attachment, number.of.iterations) {
  data = iterate.cdo.simulation.df(default.probability, pairwise.correlation, number.of.assets, default.recovery, mezzanine.attachment, senior.attachment, number.of.iterations)   
  collateral.expected = mean(data$collateral_loss)
  collateral.impairment = sum(data$collateral_loss > 0) / nrow(data)
  junior.expected = mean(data$junior_loss)
  junior.impairment = sum(data$junior_loss > 0) / nrow(data)
  mezz.expected = mean(data$mezzanine_loss)
  mezz.impairment = sum(data$mezzanine_loss > 0) / nrow(data)
  senior.expected = mean(data$senior_loss)
  senior.impairment = sum(data$senior_loss > 0) / nrow(data)
  return(list('collateral_expected_loss' = collateral.expected, 'collateral_impairment' = collateral.impairment, 'junior_expected_loss' = junior.expected, 'junior_impairment_prob' = junior.impairment, 'mezzanine_expected_loss' = mezz.expected, 'mezzanine_impairment_prob' = mezz.impairment, 'senior_expected_loss' = senior.expected, 'senior_impairment_prob' = senior.impairment))
iterate.cdo.simulation.summary(default.probability = 0.05, pairwise.correlation = 0.2, number.of.assets = 100, default.recovery = 0.5, mezzanine.attachment = 0.06, senior.attachment = 0.12, number.of.iterations = 1000)
## $collateral_expected_loss
## [1] 0.024855
## $collateral_impairment
## [1] 0.85
## $junior_expected_loss
## [1] 0.35425
## $junior_impairment_prob
## [1] 0.85
## $mezzanine_expected_loss
## [1] 0.04708333
## $mezzanine_impairment_prob
## [1] 0.099
## $senior_expected_loss
## [1] 0.0008806818
## $senior_impairment_prob
## [1] 0.018

This simulation appears to produce results that are a bit more extreme than Coval’s; for example in this simulation the senior tranche has a default probability greater than 1%. The authors also extend the simulation to a CDO-squared, but for simplicity I have omitted this next step from these notes.

Sensitivity to Correlation Assumption

The authors test the sensitivity of the model to the pairwise correlation assumption. (The graphs shown below aren’t normalized relative to the baseline simulation as they are in the reading, so these provide a different “absolute” view rather than a relative one.) This can be done by iterating the simulation over a range of values for \(\rho\):

correlation.sensitivity.results = data.frame(rho = 0:100 / 100, collateral_expected_loss = rep(NA, 101), collateral_impairment = rep(NA, 101), junior_expected_loss = rep(NA, 101), junior_impairment_prob = rep(NA, 101), mezzanine_expected_loss = rep(NA, 101), mezzanine_impairment_prob = rep(NA, 101), senior_expected_loss = rep(NA, 101), senior_impairment_prob = rep(NA, 101))
for (i in 1:101) {
  sim.results = iterate.cdo.simulation.summary(default.probability = 0.05, pairwise.correlation = correlation.sensitivity.results[i, 'rho'], number.of.assets = 100, default.recovery = 0.5, mezzanine.attachment = 0.06, senior.attachment = 0.12, number.of.iterations = 1000)
  correlation.sensitivity.results[i, 'collateral_expected_loss'] = sim.results['collateral_expected_loss']
  correlation.sensitivity.results[i, 'collateral_impairment'] = sim.results['collateral_impairment']
  correlation.sensitivity.results[i, 'junior_expected_loss'] = sim.results['junior_expected_loss']
  correlation.sensitivity.results[i, 'junior_impairment_prob'] = sim.results['junior_impairment_prob']
  correlation.sensitivity.results[i, 'mezzanine_expected_loss'] = sim.results['mezzanine_expected_loss']
  correlation.sensitivity.results[i, 'mezzanine_impairment_prob'] = sim.results['mezzanine_impairment_prob']
  correlation.sensitivity.results[i, 'senior_expected_loss'] = sim.results['senior_expected_loss']
  correlation.sensitivity.results[i, 'senior_impairment_prob'] = sim.results['senior_impairment_prob']

In the following graph, the red line is the junior tranche, the blue line is the mezannine tranche, and the green line is the senior tranche.

ggplot(data = correlation.sensitivity.results, aes(x = rho, y = junior_expected_loss)) + geom_smooth(colour = "red") + geom_smooth(aes(y = mezzanine_expected_loss), colour = "blue") + geom_smooth(aes(y = senior_expected_loss), colour = "green") + labs(title = "Sensitivity of CDO Expected Loss to Default Correlation Assumption", x = "Pairwise Correlation", y = "Expected Loss")
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess'
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess'
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess'

Note that the junior tranche does significantly better, relative to its baseline, than the other tranches at high correlation levels. This is because, in a high-correlation situation, more of the risk is transferred to the mezzanine and eventually, senior tranches.

ggplot(data = correlation.sensitivity.results, aes(x = rho, y = junior_impairment_prob)) + geom_smooth(colour = "red") + geom_smooth(aes(y = mezzanine_impairment_prob), colour = "blue") + geom_smooth(aes(y = senior_impairment_prob), colour = "green") + labs(title = "Sensitivity of CDO Default Probability to Default Correlation Assumption", x = "Pairwise Correlation", y = "Probability of Default")
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess'
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess'
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess'

We see a similar effect on the default probability.

Sensitivity to Expected Return Assumption

The same process can be repeated, varying the default probability assumption rather than the correlation assumption.

default.sensitivity.results = data.frame(p = 0:100 / 100, collateral_expected_loss = rep(NA, 101), collateral_impairment = rep(NA, 101), junior_expected_loss = rep(NA, 101), junior_impairment_prob = rep(NA, 101), mezzanine_expected_loss = rep(NA, 101), mezzanine_impairment_prob = rep(NA, 101), senior_expected_loss = rep(NA, 101), senior_impairment_prob = rep(NA, 101))
for (i in 1:101) {
  sim.results = iterate.cdo.simulation.summary(default.probability = default.sensitivity.results[i, 'p'], pairwise.correlation = 0.20, number.of.assets = 100, default.recovery = 0.5, mezzanine.attachment = 0.06, senior.attachment = 0.12, number.of.iterations = 1000)
  default.sensitivity.results[i, 'collateral_expected_loss'] = sim.results['collateral_expected_loss']
  default.sensitivity.results[i, 'collateral_impairment'] = sim.results['collateral_impairment']
  default.sensitivity.results[i, 'junior_expected_loss'] = sim.results['junior_expected_loss']
  default.sensitivity.results[i, 'junior_impairment_prob'] = sim.results['junior_impairment_prob']
  default.sensitivity.results[i, 'mezzanine_expected_loss'] = sim.results['mezzanine_expected_loss']
  default.sensitivity.results[i, 'mezzanine_impairment_prob'] = sim.results['mezzanine_impairment_prob']
  default.sensitivity.results[i, 'senior_expected_loss'] = sim.results['senior_expected_loss']
  default.sensitivity.results[i, 'senior_impairment_prob'] = sim.results['senior_impairment_prob']
ggplot(data = default.sensitivity.results, aes(x = p, y = junior_expected_loss)) + geom_line(colour = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = mezzanine_expected_loss), colour = "blue") + geom_line(aes(y = senior_expected_loss), colour = "green") + labs(title = "Sensitivity of CDO Expected Loss to Default Probability Assumption", x = "Default Probability - Underlying Assets", y = "Expected Loss")

ggplot(data = default.sensitivity.results, aes(x = p, y = junior_impairment_prob)) + geom_line(colour = "red") + geom_line(aes(y = mezzanine_impairment_prob), colour = "blue") + geom_line(aes(y = senior_impairment_prob), colour = "green") + labs(title = "Sensitivity of CDO Default Probability to Default Probability Assumption", x = "Default Probability - Underlying Assets", y = "Default Probability - CDO")

Credit Derivatives and the 2008 Financial Crisis

Credit Default Swaps contributed to the crisis as follows:

Problems with Collateralized Debt Obligations that contributed to the crisis include: